I ordered a new BMX bike today, and am ridiculously excited.
Standard Byke Company, 125R. Custom specs: 21.5" top tube, 15.0" stays, 74 degree head angle, and built in seat post clamp. Gun Metal Grey or gloss black, it will be a surprise.
I won't see it for about 4-8 weeks (I think they'll come in on the short end of that estimate). But it got me thinking about my previous BMX bikes. This will be number 9 in the series of "real" bikes. I had a really crappy 20" as a kid, that one doesn't count. It had coaster brakes.
So, even if no one wants to read about it, I am going to chronicle the 8 previous bikes and new bike right here.
Here is the story of the chrome unkown brand 20" BMX left behind by my friend Marcus in the shady Tucson apartment.
So one day my friend Marcus and his family just dissappeared from our Tucson apartment building. What will always be a complete mystery to me is why he left is chrome BMX bike unlocked outside of his apartment the day he left. Maybe he meant for me to find it. The main problem with the bike (maybe a single-stay ELF?) was that the handelbars slipped forward. Tightened the stem, problem solved. I also learned how to repack the hubs, headset, and bottom bracket, and probably put some new tires on it. Later I would notice that the top and down tube were bent, and the frame was cracked under the head tube. Learned how to bunnyhop on that bike, and got decent at running from the law if I would have ever needed to.
Here is a picture of this bike (well the closest thing to a picture I could come up with):

Check back often. Next post will regard the blue Hutch and the Diamondback.