The Giants whooped up on the Rockies a little - 10-0 and a 3-hitter. Somehow I had several images of the Giants feeling dejected. I guess I'll post these to try and jinx them a little.
July and August provide some nice sunsets. The Padres may be leading the NL west, but I still think they are a pretty boring team, so I'll take an opportunity like this to check the stadium out from up high.
Rockies 1st baseman Brad Eldridge hits his first big league homer. Congratulated here by Ryan Spilborghs as former Rockie Yorvit Torrealba plays with his mask in the background.
I'm always looking for the details that not everyone gets to see. Utility infielder and all-around character Felipe Lopez has some nice ink on his forearms.
I had several images in the 2010 Sports Illustrated College Football preview issue - including 2 of the 3 images on the cover. The shots of the Missouri quarterback and the Colorado receiver were both taken during the Missouri at Colorado game last fall.